Press Releases for loose diamonds

  • 1342

    Diamonds-USA.Com Offers Certified Loose Diamonds & Engagement Rings At Discounted Prices

    Get life time upgrade plans and free worldwide insured shipping for diamond jewelry at

    By : | 06-28-2012 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1342

  • 688

    Whiteflash Inc. Achieves Certification for ISO 9001:2008

    Whiteflash Inc., retailer of Ideal Cut Diamonds and Fine Jewelry, announced today that it has just been officially awarded certification for the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System by SGS. It is believed that Whiteflash is the only jewelry company to have achieved this prestigious distinction.

    By : | 02-24-2011 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 688

  • 582 promotion on Facebook

    Whiteflash, the leading online diamond jewelry and custom engagement ring boutique, has joined the Facebook trend with a Facebook page that provides photos, information and special Facebook-only deals.

    By : | 12-15-2010 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 582